Forget what they said.
The world is kinder than you think.
When a boy kisses a girl, they are allowed to grow into their bodies, fill the spaces of a childhood with the crease of an elbow, the softness of flesh and still know love when it tears them apart.
Science won’t make sense all the time. And when you fail both math and poetry- you are only as stupid as the syllabus wants you to be but know that there are others ways the universe needs you.
Forget what you know. You have spent all this time feeling ashamed.
When you wasted your first kiss to someone you had to calculate to realise the days don’t add up and oh shit he wanted you when he had someone else.
When you get caught in the heat of the moment and feel so damn dirty for years even if there is nothing more sterile than the insides of a human body.
Forget everything you tell yourself. No one will ever believe you.
Your brain is the size of the hands you remember closing around your heart when you uttered your first word. Your feelings were there, sticky to the touch.
Your knees won’t work when you wake up and you crash against the world even when aging hands tell you to not let go, but yet you do and you fall.
You keep tripping over and over again, until things stop making sense. Still, you find yourself always chasing for that first word and what it means to be true.
Forget the password, there is nothing left hidden inside you.
Everything is real.
Everything is